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Inside the Buy Side: What Retail Media Network (RMN) Is Right for Your Ads?

As retail media expands, so does its complexity. It’s no longer just about placing ads but leveraging retailer-specific insights, ad innovation, and personalization. The right provider will offer precision targeting, data transparency, and seamless campaign integration, helping advertisers achieve measurable, data-driven results in an increasingly competitive landscape. 

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Why Advertising Standards and Certifications Matter in 2024

The proliferation of low-quality, Made For Advertising (MFA) sites threatens digital advertising’s integrity. To combat this, the industry must adhere to standards set by the Media Rating Council (MRC) and the Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG). These certifications ensure transparency and trust, paving the way for a more reliable and sustainable…

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Webinar Replay: No Third-party Cookies, No Problem: Ranker on First-party Data in a Privacy-safe World

How can publishers future proof their businesses by turning requests coming in from advertisers into privacy-first, first-party data strategies, especially as the third-party cookie goes away? That's exactly what attendees learned at our recent webinar — No Third-party Cookies, No Problem: Ranker on First-party Data in a Privacy-safe World —…

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Pubs Want More Financial Assurances From SSPs

As we move closer to the end of Q4, pubs are experiencing a rebound of sorts but it hasn't halted their concerns about payments. Pubs are looking for assurances (and insurance) from their SSP partners that they won’t be left holding the bag when a default happens along the chain…

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Sellers Need Buy-Side Transparency

Transparency concerns have long plagued open advertising markets, scaring away participants on the buy and sell-side of open real-time bidding advertising transactions. The buy-side has ads.txt and sellers.json. Unfortunately, sell-side participants—publishers—often have difficulty obtaining basic levels of transparency in reverse when using header bidding tools to extend demand.

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