
Will Blockchain Solution Providers Tame the Cannes Lion?

The road to Cannes is paved with many changes this year. You can certainly expect to see and hear a fair amount from companies developing next-generation media, marketing, and advertising solutions underpinned with blockchain and cryptography. Solutions are scaling; we are past the point of test and learn. Another change…

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FBI Brings Gun to Advertising Knife Fight

Speaking of transparency—or the lack thereof—plenty of questions linger around the FBI raiding a major holding company's offices as it steps up its investigation into rebates and kickbacks in digital advertising. Gabe Greenberg suggests that if we're going to circle the wagons as the g-men close in, the industry should…

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The “Truth” About Blockchain (Part 2)

Last week, Gabe Greenberg advised readers to be wary of blockchain-based ad tech solutions that over-promise on this still-emerging technology. Now, he explains how blockchain could replace OpenRTB and solve for the protocol's flaws, and he shows us some examples of how brands are already using blockchain tech outside of…

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The “Truth” About Blockchain (Part 1)

"Blockchain" is a buzzword, and buzzwords are wont to be misused—so be careful whose promises you believe. Gabe Greenberg advises us that while blockchain for advertising holds loads of promise, no company is applying it at scale... yet.

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