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Things That Keep Publishers up at Night

Everyone wants to feel special, have that custom, unique experience, whether it’s as an individual or a business looking for that “wow” factor. Advertisers can still have that wow factor with the use of templates on the back-end. Templates work, for starters, and they are also easy to set up…

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The State of Ad Filtering in 2021

The surge in digital media consumption continues. Ad spend is flowing freely beside the traffic stream. But unfortunately, to the dismay of publishers and advertisers alike, ad block usage is on the rise. But ad blockers are becoming ad filterers — the 95% of all ad-blocking users who have an ad…

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Surviving in a Complicated Digital Media and Ad Tech Ecosystem

Digital media and advertising is rapidly changing. To survive in this increasingly complicated environment, publishers and advertisers need innovative strategies and technologies to increase their efficiency (and keep revenues afloat) as they look to continue connecting with audiences and also proving the value of those relationships.

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Bridging the Privacy Compliance Gap

Between mounting privacy regulations and privacy enforcement measures being taken by big tech, publishers are in need of simple solutions that ensure consent compliance (and that they can trust). And even when publishers are doing the right thing and following the law, they may find themselves liable for a non-compliant…

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Evolution of the Ad Product Suite

What makes an ad product strategy successful? When was the last time your suite was updated? In a recent AdMonsters Think Tank hosted by Celtra, publishers shared how they define success, upgrades made through the years, and what works best. Countless creative options sound great on paper, but when an…

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How Pubs Can Monetize Advertisers’ Content From Social Media

In preparation for our upcoming webinar, Unlocking a Creative-First Approach to Social Display, on Thursday, April 22 @ 1 PM EST (Register now!), AdMonsters Advisory Board Chairman, Rob Beeler, spoke with Nikki Gertner, Senior Product Manager, Celtra, about monetizing an advertiser's content from social media, having a range of ad…

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