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How Can Ad Ops and New Media Players Eliminate Inefficiencies?

We are seeing a trend of ad monetization driven by manual ad ops processes bleeding into various industries. Many ad ops processes utilized by new media players, including retail media networks, CTV, and streaming companies, are adaptations of legacy processes and workflows used by long-standing publishing and media brands.

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7 Ad Tech Pros Predict CTV, TV, and Video Trends for 2023

When it comes to CTV (and media in general), 2022 was not only about the re-emergence of life post-pandemic but also about figuring out where audiences will migrate and how to reach them. It was all about subscriber growth, total reach, and big numbers. Now the conversation is shifting because…

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Best Practices For Monetizing CTV Ad Pods

Consumers are shifting to connected TV (CTV) in droves and CTV ad spend is skyrocketing in tandem. According to eMarketer, spending is set to reach $34.49 billion by 2025. But that doesn’t mean it’s been all smooth sailing for pubs. We spoke with Peter Ackerman, Director of Product Marketing at…

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OTT Is Where the Money Resides

Now with the recent influx of premium streaming services like Disney+ and HBO Max, along with changing CouchSurfing consumer behaviors brought on by the Pandemic, it looks like OTT is really set to take off. In fact, according to North America OTT TV & Video Forecasts report from analyst firm…

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