Ben Humphry on Self-Service Ads and The Changing Network Model

Editor’s note: Ben Humphry is Head of AdMonsters Professional Services in the UK. Recently he wrote two posts for the APS blog Here to Help. We wanted to share them with you in case you missed them.

 LinkedIn goes self-serve

LinkedIn is the latest publisher to move to a self-serve ad model. Like Facebook, it has found this model to be the solution to the advertising dilemma facing social networks; how do you control the advertising environment when the content is user generated? The answer for both publishers has been “you don’t” – instead, they’ve reworked their offering to appeal to those customers who are unconcerned about brand. Self serve ads don’t appeal to brands or their agencies, but that’s okay, because… read full post


 The Changing Network Model

Premium online ad networks in the UK are facing a challenge which requires fundamental changes to their business, and it seems likely that those who don’t move quickly will be in all kinds of trouble. Until recently it was all so different – the role of a network seemed certain; our experience of TV and radio showed that the network was the right model because it was beneficial for both buy and sell side. All the big publishers rushed to acquire partners and become networks; for agencies,… read full post

Ben Humphry is Head of AdMonsters Professional Services in the UK. Recently he wrote two posts for the APS blog Here to Help. We wanted to share them with you in case you missed them.

LinkedIn is the latest publisher to move to a self-serve ad model. Like Facebook, it has found this model to be the solution to the advertising dilemma facing social networks; how do you control the advertising environment when the content is user generated?