I recently spoke to the Yieldex Summit about areas for return on investment within organizations and thought I’d share some of the take aways. Theres a lot of competition in the market, as our ‘industry’s favorite slide’ keeps demonstrating. The dramatic evolution in the ad technology and systems space is causing more companies to take a fresh look at their ad operations and ad tech strategy and look for places of return on investment inside and out.
In our consulting work, we help define opportunity for investment and return for companies all different levels of scale. Smaller companies are very focused on their raison d’etre and focus is on positioning from growth. In ad operations, there is generally a high level of opportunity for systems improvements and staff training in areas where they are often wearing too many hats. Medium companies are managing for growth and bigger opportunities for efficiency and return show up in areas of process and systems as their complexity grows and its crucial to ‘get it right’ to get to the next level. A lot of large publishers we are speaking to have big opportunities where there are inefficiencies because of the scale of their organizations and business. Its key for large companies to stay focused on innovation and maximizing synergies across silos.
We see possible returns in these areas in a few ways. Operational returns help speeding up processes and fixing things that are broken such as a workflow efficiency review. Other returns are about Optimizing, this is about taking a strategic on existing opportunities such as developing custom ad units or increased targeting. The Transformational opportunities involve developing new businesses such as developing a vertical ad network.
In evaluating returns on investment its important to assess the current costs of operating and consider the cost of ‘doing nothing’. Its also important to understand the value of returns which are not initially obvious such as customer satisfaction, speed & agility, and better business decision making. Through a careful review process of opportunities for investment, the goal should be to have a sense of real returns and understanding of what is driving your business.
YES 2010: Calculating your ROI Potential
Jennifer Hanks, VP, Professional Services at AdMonsters looks at how to calculate ROI and how it relates to increased revenues for digital publishers.
YES 2010: Calculating your ROI Potential from Yieldex on Vimeo.
I recently spoke to the Yieldex Summit about areas for return on investment within organizations and thought I’d share some of the take aways. Theres a lot of competition in the market, as our ‘industry’s favorite slide’ keeps demonstrating. The dramatic evolution in the ad technology and systems space is causing more companies to take a fresh look at their ad operations and ad tech strategy and look for places of return on investment inside and out. In our consulting work, we help define opportunity for investment and return for companies all different levels of scale.