You Are Not Immune: Take Our Publishers’ State of Clickbait Survey

Clickbait ads and scams are a persistent scourge of the online publishing world, prompting the Department of Homeland Security to encourage people to install ad blocking software as a means of protection.

No site, it seems, is immune, with clickbait ads appearing on even the most discerning properties. This 5-minute survey seeks to help us better understand the extent of the problem, why it occurs, and whether or not publishers have the tools they need to eradicate it from their properties. 

AdMonsters Survey: State of Clickbait Ads and Clickbait Scams

As any publisher very well knows, a bad user experience can take a direct hit on revenue. In fact, in 2021 GeoEdge research revealed that 76% of publishers said their UX was impacted by ad quality-related challenges, and 66% said those challenges had an impact on revenue.

AdMonsters, with the support of GeoEdge, is creating a playbook to better understand the current state of clickbait ads and scams and what publishers must do to serve quality and relevant advertising to their audiences to earn trust and loyalty.

Your contribution to this survey will help revenue operations folks to begin thinking about how ad quality can be a strategic differentiator for their businesses. All responses are fully anonymous.

Take the Survey Now!