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What Are Publisher Cohorts?

The upcoming loss of third-party identifiers within Chrome, and the changes that Apple has already made in that space, means that first-party data is in a strong position. Losing cross-domain identifiers only strengthens publishers’ first-party data, as a viable option for advertisers to continue reaching consumers. And this first-party data can…

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Privacy Sandbox & Universal IDs: Like Oil & Water?

While the technology behind Google's Privacy Sandbox proposals is complex and constantly evolving, the premise (as we know it today) is simple: move targeting from a third-party cookie to a group (or cohort) of browsers. For much of 2020 these cohort-based approaches appeared to be the future of advertising in…

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Can Amazon PWN the Cookieless Ad Market?

Move over Big G and Facebook … a little company (well, maybe not so little) called Amazon is nipping at your heels when it comes to digital ad sales. Amazon’s ad business raked in over $15.7 billion in 2020, according to new data from eMarketer. That’s up 53% year-over-year —…

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Pubs Want SSPs to Offer More Reporting and Advocacy

As the imminent death of third-party cookies and Google’s push for FLoC creates new headaches, publishers want to know that every SSP they work with has their back and that they are navigating the changes together. What’s more, they want to make sure their SSPs provide truly personalized service, reporting,…

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On January 22, 2021, Google announced plans for its “First Locally Executed Decision over Groups Experiment” or FLEDGE for short. The announcement on Github describes how they will operationalize TURTLEDOVE for a first test. 

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Happensinadops Saves the Internet

At PubForum+ on December 10, 2020, Happens in Ad Ops co-hosts Erik Requidan, Founder and CEO, Media Tradecraft and Ryan McConaghy, Head of Revenue Operations, The Atlantic, are joined by Amanda Gomez, VP, Revenue Operations, New York Post, and Danny Khatib, Co-founder and CEO, Granite Media to try and get…

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